Branden had been waiting to turn 6 years old since last September 9th when Donivan had his 6th birthday! February 6th finally came and we rarely do BIG birthday parties away from home but we decided to splurg and invite the whole family and a few of his friends to go bowling. We had a great time!
These little 6 year old boys could barely handle their 6 pound balls but with bumpers up, they got a few spares and strikes once they got the ball rolling down the lane.
It sure was fun cheering each other on!
Even the BIG kiddos had FUN!
Hello Karen, Oh I am so glad I saw you blog & took a looksie!! Your family has grown so much and are so handsome & Rachelle is GORGEOUS!! We sure miss you guys and all our AZ friends. We still keep in touch with quite a few and hope to come visit sometime in the near future. Congrats on your grandbabies too, they are precious. We have a blog as well & would love you to see it. It is private. Send me your email address to and I will send you an invite. Miss you!