Friday, May 28, 2010

Rachelle is a "High School Graduate" Now!

Graduation from high school is a milestone in the life of a student and their family! What an exciting adventure it has been while we celebrated the different activities that go along with graduation. Rachelle received several awards at the Senior's Award's Night held at the Higley Center for Performing Arts. Rachelle graduated in the top 10% of her class and received the "President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement" and then she received an Outstanding Achievement Award in Fine Arts - Choir. We all know how talented she is when it comes to music so that award was not a surprise and because she sometimes would stay up into the wee hours of the morning doing homework, the top 10% was not a surprise either! Seminary Graduation is always a special night! (my favorite when it comes to graduation). Rachelle sang a melody of songs about the Savior and brought her parents to tears once again. Here she is pictured with her Seminary teacher, Brother Zach Olson. We LOVE Bro. Olson and can you tell that he LOVES us too??? Ryan, Rachelle and Tanner have been blessed by Bro. Olson and he will always hold a special place in our hearts! The 2010 graduating class of Higley High School held their graduation on the Higley High School football field. There were less than 300 graduates because last year, Williamsfield High School opened and their senior class was split. Rachelle always felt like most of the seniors went to the new school and after seeing the small numbers, I think she was right! Rachelle and Brittney Lynn Hipps were invited to sing the National Anthem. They both made regional choir this year and love singing together.
Here is a recording of it and Rachelle said they were "pitchey" but it still sounded awesome and we were so PROUD!

Thanks to Sister Shirley who served as her Young Women's President during most of her High School years. What a tribute, she even came to graduation!

And here we have her High School choir teacher, better know as "FLO". I actually had to look his name up because I really didn't remember it, Matthew Flora. What a great a patient man!


Now the Summer fun starts. The family she nannies for, left for Florida yesterday and she is joining up with them today. She will spend a week at Disney World and enjoy a Disney Cruise. I am always envious of her and the luxuries that come with her job, however, when I hear about the "oodles" of kids that she helps out with, (this time its 6 families) I change my mind! She will fly from Florida to San Diego for a fun and relaxing trip with her friends for a week!

By the way . . . see the yellow bag??? Its full of shoes alone!!! Have a wonderful time! You deserve it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Rachelle and parents. I loved seeing all the friends Rachelle has. Sorry I missed her National Anthem but some days are like that. My favorite of all is the yellow bag of shoes. Especially after the number of boxes of clothes, shoes and hangers I packed with Brooke. Love it!!!
