Friday, July 30, 2010

TWO newest members of our famlee!

Can you just believe this???? YES, I did get them and YES I do think they are adorable and YES I was the one up all night the first night!!! I know I said that I would NEVER do ANY dog again but when I saw these little fellers - I couldn't resist.

A friend had 7 (yes I did say seven) dogs and her husband said that these two little purebred maltese puppies had to be gone by evening. They are 5 months old and their names are "Jake" and "Diesel". OK, now if I can just get them to pee and poop outside!


  1. They are SO cute! I would break my 'no pets' rule for them;)

  2. They are so cute...but I wouldn't even brake it for are a better mommy than me. Kevin even said you offered us to take one but I think they are great dogs for grandma and grandpa to have and go visit!! And just think every time they poop and pee on the carpet you are that much closer to getting new carpet!!

  3. Please tell me when you figure out the secret to housetraining.... Maybe Becky gave you some hints too? :)

  4. They are cute...cute at your house not mine!
