Sunday, February 6, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

The official Santa letter written this year by Branden. Donivan organized the
cookies and off to bed they went!

We don't have a chimney for Santa to come down so we leave the front door open for him. This year there must have been lots of
snow in the North Pole because he left traces of it all over
our floor!
Tanner was the first one up at 5:00 AM this year!!! A small breakfast snack as
he wakes us all up!

Ryan is opening his "Dad bag." Mark always does a "Dad bag" for those living at home. The kids LOVE his huge bag full of "dad stuff"!!

Santa brought new "rides" to Branden and Donivan this year!

Santa was good to everyone this year!

Rachelle is NOT a morning person! Smile honey . . . .

After we finished opening presents, we made breakfast and
waited for the rest of the famlee to come!

Braxton checking out his gift from Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandma and Merek!

Peyton found his famlee's stash!

Harper's first Christmas!

Being a grandparent is way more fun than being parents!

We love you Sam!MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome I'm VERY impressed that Tanner was first one up. What Christmas spirit!
