Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Run Birdie Run . . .

I wish I could remember when I finally gave into the whole gun thing. Maybe it was when I finally gave birth to my first daughter and knew that all these boys needed to protect her somehow! Although, maybe I should have bought her the gun!!!!

With seven boys in this household (plus Dad), there is always alot of testosterone in the air.

I guess that testosterone + guns = REAL men (so I am told!)

Santa brought lots of guns to our house this year. This made Mom's shopping so much easier because Dad took care of that!Ryan got a shootgun to date the ladies! Tanner got his first real gun! Ryan bought the little ones their first BB gun. That way they won't feel left out when the real men go shooting! Then Santa found this FUN video hunting game that all the real men can play!
As a side note, we weren't even done opening presents and Tanner was packing up the gun to go dove hunting Christmas morning with his buddies!

1 comment:

  1. I just gave in and let Derek get his first gun. Now I'm worried that this is what my blog posts will look like in a few years! :)
