Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tanner's Eagle Project

We finally accomplished a HUGE milestone in our family this week! TANNER'S EAGLE PROJECT!!!

Tanner contacted the United Food Bank and they have crews that go to people's homes with lots of citrus trees and pick their excess fruit. They distribute it first to the homeless and needy people here in Arizona and any extras goes to other states to trade for their excess crops. States like Washington will trade Arizona for apples and Idaho will trade us with their excess potatoes.

It took us 4 years to finally find the right project or maybe it was because he really wanted to get his driver's license. I am not sure which one, but at this point I am so glad that its done!

Tender mercies found their way into our lives once again. The weathermen predicted that rain would roll into the valley the evening before. Oh, we were so disappointed but choose to move forward anyway. The sky was heavy and the winds were blowing but the rain didn't start until we got home.

There were 30 huge trees full of delicious and tasty fruit!

Here are the fruit crates, buckets and tools that we used.

Brother Mendoza, Brother Nevels and Andrew pickin' away!

Our Bishop high in the air commanding the fruit to fall to the earth!

Look here, even Sister Daniel was helping!

Donivan and Taylor Daniel

The "old folks" taking a needed break!!!!!

Dad with Brother Price

The neighbor next door loaned the crew a scaffolding bench to reach the really high fruit.

Adam and Ryan enjoyed being together and caught up on "life"
Too bad we didn't get pictures of the fruit fights that occurred. What a fun day it turned out to be! Thanks everyone for your help!


  1. So glad we could send a couple from our house to help. Today was too crazy of a day to get the rest of our crew there...but I know you understand about that since you were where we were at the church. :)

  2. I'm so pround of him!! Way to go Tanner. You made it.
